production: putting it all together

so far in this series we have covered:

  • Git/GitHub for versioning and sharing our code
  • renv for reproducing our code’s dependencies
  • targets for running our project as a pipeline

What do we need in order to put these pieces together for “production”?


I highly recommend bookmarking the following as a reference, as much of the material in the following sections aligns with the lessons from this book:

Data science alone is pretty useless.

[What matters] is whether your work is useful. That is, whether it affects decisions at your organization or in the broader world.

That means you must share your work by putting it in production.

DevOps for Data Science - Introduction

How do you currently share your work?

(reminder to self: this isn’t a rhetorical question. put answers/typical patterns on the board)

What does it mean to “put something into production”?

Many data scientists think of in production as an exotic state where supercomputers run state-of-the-art machine learning models run over dozens of shards of data, terabytes each. There’s a misty mountaintop in the background, and there’s no Google Sheet, CSV file, or half-baked database query in sight.

But that’s a myth. If you’re a data scientist putting your work in front of someone else’s eyes, you are in production.

In my experiences as a consultant I have seen:

  • SPSS jobs running on someone’s laptop writing business critical data to (very accessible) Google Sheets as their enterprise “data warehouse”.
  • Excel spreadsheets printed out daily and taped to walls of offices for everyone to congregate over and examine.
  • A Python model retraining (on the same data) everyday in a notebook for scoring data for customers. The script converted all numeric features into characters. The model was nonsense. It had been running without oversight for years.

  • Models “deployed” by storing linear model coefficients in SQL for analysts to do manual scoring (in order to allow them to “adjust” the coefficients to their liking).
  • Alteryx workflows running nightly on Windows scheduler on someone’s laptop with a five minute delay between runs to read CSVs that would then be loaded to Snowflake. If any of those CSVs were ever left open, their entire data integration process collapsed. Don’t ask me how I know this.
  • Alteryx. So much Alteryx.

I could go on.

I mean, I’ve “put things into production” in ways that are, in retrospect, quite funny.

I ran these reports every week and shared them with other people (read: r/cfb) by directly committing html files to a GitHub repository, which then built and deployed them on GitHub Pages.

This meant I was version controlling ~130 pretty beefy html files weekly.

GitHub Pages was really not intended for that.

My cfb repository is now like 11GB due to storing all of those versions.

I still haven’t really figured out what do with that, and have instead punted to a new repository.

The better way to “deploy” a bunch of html pages, by the way, is to just render them to a cloud storage bucket and grant public access to that bucket.

Is this the most sophisticated and mature way to put the results of this project into production?

Is this the most sophisticated and mature way to put the results of this project into production?

Nonetheless, this is result that I’m putting in front of other people; ergo, it’s in production.

For some organizations, in production means a report that gets rendered and emailed around. For others, it means hosting a live app or dashboard that people visit. For the most sophisticated, it means serving live predictions to another service from a machine learning model via an application programming interface (API).

Regardless of the maturity or the form, every organization wants to know that the work is reliable, the environment is safe, and that the product will be available when people need it.

So, how do we do this? This is where the philosophy/idea of DevOops comes into play.

Consider what we have covered so far in these workshops.

We’ve discussed how to version our code and share it in an external repository so that it can be accessed, run, and edited by others.

We’ve discussed how to create reproducible environments with renv so that other people can restore the exact requirements needed to run our code.

We’ve discussed how to create pipelines with targets so that others can easily re-run our project and produce the same output that we did.

We’ve discussed how to use targets to train competing models and produce finalized models.

environments as code

DevOps principles aim to create software that builds security, stability, and scalability into the software from the very beginning. The idea is to avoid building software that works locally, but doesn’t work well in collaboration or production.

So much of DevOps boils down to preventing the well-it-runs-on-my-machine problem.

DevOps principles aim to create software that builds security, stability, and scalability into the software from the very beginning. The idea is to avoid building software that works locally, but doesn’t work well in collaboration or production.

The code you’re writing relies on the environment in which it runs. While most data scientists have ways to share code, sharing environments isn’t always standard practice, but it should be.

We can take lessons from DevOps, where the solution is to create explicit linkages between the code and the environment so you can share both.

How close are we to creating fully reproducible environments via code? What are we missing?

How close are we to creating fully reproducible environments via code? What are we missing?

We’ve only really covered one layer:

  • packages: Python + R packages (dplyr, pandas)

renv and venv allow us to create isolated virtual environments in which to execute our code.

your data science environment is the stack of software and hardware below your code, from the R and Python packages you’re using right down to the physical hardware your code runs on.

Packages are just one piece; we want to be able to make the entire environment reproducible.

This means we need to be comfortable with creating and using environments via code; this is the crux of DevOps that we need to apply to our data science practice.


The DevOps term for this is that environments are stateless or in the phrase that environments should be “cattle, not pets”. That means that you can use standardized tooling to create and destroy functionally identical copies of the environment without secret state being left behind.

We’ve covered creating and taking down one layer:

  • packages: Python + R packages (dplyr, pandas)

renv and venv allow us to create isolated virtual environments in which to execute our code.

But there are three main layers to think about:

  • packages: R + Python packages (dplyr, pandas)
  • system: R; Python; Quarto; Git; Libraries (Fortran, C/C++), …

Think about everything needed to run the work we’ve covered so far.R/RStudio, Quarto, Git, all of the underlying libraries that are used in the background when you’re installing a package from source and you’re praying that the installation is okay.

API keys, database credentials, ODBC drivers…

But there are three main layers to think about:

  • packages: R + Python packages (dplyr, pandas)

  • system: R; Python; Quarto; Git; Libraries (Fortran, C/C++)

  • hardware: physical/virtual hardware on which your code runs

Your code has to actually run on something. Even if it’s in the cloud it’s still running on a physical machine somewhere.

So, putting things in production in a safe and reliable way starts with recognizing the different pieces we need to recreate our data science environment.

So, putting things in production in a safe and reliable way starts with recognizing the different pieces we need to recreate our data science environment.

Then, it becomes a matter of reproducing each of these pieces via code. This part sounds super complicated, and it can be, but a lot of smart people have put a lot of time into making it easier.

Let’s revisit the GitHub action we saw earlier.

# name: updating the README
# on:
#   workflow_dispatch:
#   push:
#     branches: [ "main", "dev"]
# jobs:
#   build:
#     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
#     permissions:
#       contents: write
#     strategy:
#       matrix:
#         r-version: ['4.4.1']
#     steps:
#       - name: Checkout repository
#         uses: actions/checkout@v4
#       - name: Set up Quarto
#         uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
#       - name: Set up R ${{ matrix.r-version }}
#         uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
#         with:
#           r-version: ${{ matrix.r-version }}
#           use-public-rspm: true
#       - name: Install additional Linux dependencies
#         if: runner.os == 'Linux'
#         run: |
#           sudo apt-get update -y
#           sudo apt-get install -y libgit2-dev libglpk40
#       - name: Setup renv and install packages
#         uses: r-lib/actions/setup-renv@v2
#         with:
#           cache-version: 1
#         env:
#           GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT}}
#       - name: Render README
#         shell: bash
#         run: |
#           git config --global ${{ }}
#           quarto render README.qmd
#           git commit -m 'Re-build README.qmd' || echo "No changes to commit"
#           git push origin || echo "No changes to commit"

This is essentially just a script that:

  1. Specifies to run on a Linux machine (somewhere)
  2. Checks out a GitHub repository
  3. Sets up Quarto
  4. Sets up R
  5. Installs additional Linux libs that were needed for installing R packages -> this is the part that breaks and you have to fiddle with 9/10 times.
  6. Uses renv to install packages based on renv.lock in the repository
  7. Renders the Quarto README and commits/pushes it to the repository

Now, to be clear, this is a lot of work to just render a goddamn README.

But we use the same setup to do more elaborate work, such as running the whole dang pipeline via a Github Action.

We’ve been building pipelines with targets.

If you run targets::tar_github_actions(), you will notice a new file .github/workflows/targets.yaml appears in your project working directory

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Eli Lilly and Company
# Author: William Michael Landau (will.landau at gmail)
# Written with help from public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal) workflow files by Jim Hester:
# *
# *
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

      - main
      - master

name: targets

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      RENV_PATHS_ROOT: ~/.local/share/renv
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2

      - name: Install Mac system dependencies
        if: runner.os == 'macOS'
        run: brew install zeromq

      - name: Install Linux system dependencies
        if: runner.os == 'Linux'
        run: |
          sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
          sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
          sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev

      - name: Cache packages
        uses: actions/cache@v1
          path: ${{ env.RENV_PATHS_ROOT }}
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-renv-${{ hashFiles('**/renv.lock') }}
          restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-renv-

      - name: Restore packages
        shell: Rscript {0}
        run: |
          if (!requireNamespace("renv", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("renv")

      - name: Check if previous runs exists
        id: runs-exist
        run: git ls-remote --exit-code --heads origin targets-runs
        continue-on-error: true

      - name: Checkout previous run
        if: steps.runs-exist.outcome == 'success'
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: targets-runs
          fetch-depth: 1
          path: .targets-runs

      - name: Restore output files from the previous run
        if: steps.runs-exist.outcome == 'success'
        run: |
          for (dest in scan(".targets-runs/.targets-files", what = character())) {
            source <- file.path(".targets-runs", dest)
            if (!file.exists(dirname(dest))) dir.create(dirname(dest), recursive = TRUE)
            if (file.exists(source)) file.rename(source, dest)
        shell: Rscript {0}

      - name: Run targets pipeline
        run: targets::tar_make()
        shell: Rscript {0}

      - name: Identify files that the targets pipeline produced
        run: git ls-files -mo --exclude=renv > .targets-files

      - name: Create the runs branch if it does not already exist
        if: steps.runs-exist.outcome != 'success'
        run: git checkout --orphan targets-runs

      - name: Put the worktree in the runs branch if the latter already exists
        if: steps.runs-exist.outcome == 'success'
        run: |
          rm -r .git
          mv .targets-runs/.git .
          rm -r .targets-runs

      - name: Upload latest run
        run: |
          git config --local "GitHub Actions"
          git config --local ""
          rm -r .gitignore .github/workflows
          git add --all -- ':!renv'
          for file in $(git ls-files -mo --exclude=renv)
            git add --force $file
          git commit -am "Run pipeline"
          git push origin targets-runs

      - name: Prepare failure artifact
        if: failure()
        run: rm -rf .git .github .targets-files .targets-runs

      - name: Post failure artifact
        if: failure()
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
          name: ${{ runner.os }}-r${{ matrix.config.r }}-results
          path: .

This generates a GitHub Action template that will reproduce your project environment, run the pipeline, and output the results.

Note: you will still need to configure things on which your environemnt depends, such as API keys, database credentials, etc.

This also relies on using GitHub runners for your compute and storage, which are both low by design - they are not intended for heavy workloads.

But these illustrate the steps for reproducing your data science environment via code.

So, putting things in production in a safe and reliable way starts with recognizing the different pieces we need to recreate our data science environment.

Then, it becomes a matter of reproducing each of these pieces via code. This part sounds super complicated, and it can be, but a lot of smart people have put a lot of time into making it easier.

This enables us to create separate environments in which we can do our development and testing before promoting code to production.

So, putting things in production in a safe and reliable way starts with recognizing the different pieces we need to recreate our data science environment.

Then, it becomes a matter of reproducing each of these pieces via code. This part sounds super complicated, and it can be, but a lot of smart people have put a lot of time into making it easier.

This enables us to create separate environments in which we can do our development and testing before promoting code to production.

This style of thinking is typically focused on things like software/applications, where different versions are incrementally developed, tested, and released as updates.

How does data science differ?

data science project architecture

What is the typical output of a data science project?

  • a job: a script that trains a model, updates a dataset, writes to a database
  • an app: created in Shiny, Streamlit, Dash,
  • a report: a presentation, book, article, that is rendered from code
  • an API

thing back to where we left our flights project.